Why sail with the Spes Mea?

Veel zit-, lig- en relaxruimte aan dek
  • completely abides by all standard inland
    navigation ship guidelines
  • plenty of space for sitting,
    lying down and relaxing on deck
  • extremely capable and experienced crew
  • stable ship, fine sailing capabilities
  • mainly two-person cabins featuring sinks,
    heating and ventilation options
  • comfortable bunks (beds), 80 centimeters wide,
    2 meters long. (8 bunks of 2.10 meters length)
  • upright standing room everywhere
  • well equipped sanitairy conditions
  • the whole of the Dutch Wadden accessible
    for sailing thanks to limited draft
  • ship in excellent condition
  • experienced catering, internally managed

Het hele Wad bezeilbaar, maar soms niet natuurlijk ;-)Hoofdzakelijk 2 persoons hutten met wasbakje, verwarming en ventilatie

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spes mea zeilcharter - jan timmerstraat 4 - 8821 lt  kimswerd - netherlands -   - +31(651)550902